Removing the primary node

Removing the primary node refers to the removal of the initial (bootstrap) node.

Warning: Removing the primary node will destroy the entire MicroStack deployment.

If the deployment consists of multiple nodes then remove all non-primary nodes before removing the primary node. See page Scaling down the cluster for instructions on doing that.

Remove components from the node

Software components need to removed from the node. Perform all the below steps on the primary node.

Remove the Juju model:

juju destroy-model --destroy-storage --no-prompt --force --no-wait openstack

Remove the Juju controller:

juju destroy-controller --no-prompt --destroy-storage  --force --no-wait sunbeam-controller

Remove the Juju agent:

sudo /sbin/remove-juju-services

Remove the juju snap:

sudo snap remove --purge juju

Remove Juju configuration:

rm -rf ~/.local/share/juju
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/juju/dqlite
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/juju/system-identity
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/juju/bootstrap-params

Remove the openstack-hypervisor and openstack snaps:

sudo snap remove --purge openstack-hypervisor
sudo snap remove --purge openstack

Remove openstack snap configuration:

rm -rf ~/.local/share/openstack

Remove microk8s snap:

sudo microk8s leave
sudo snap remove --purge microk8s

The above steps can take a few minutes to complete.

Remove the microceph snap:

sudo microceph disk list
sudo snap remove --purge microceph

If required clean the disk(s) identified in the earlier command:

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=<DISK PATH> bs=4M count=10

Caution: The dd command will result in the permanent erasure of data. It is vital that you have specified the correct disk path to avoid unintended data loss.

Clear the remaining network configuration with a reboot:

sudo reboot

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