Load Balancer
This feature deploys Octavia, the OpenStack load balancing service. The feature supports only the OVN provider driver.
Enabling Load Balancer
To enable Load Balancer, run the following command:
sunbeam enable loadbalancer
Use OpenStack CLI to manage load balancers. See the upstream Octavia documentation for details. The OVN Octavia provider has certain limitations that are documented here.
Disabling Load Balancer
To disable Load Balancer, run the following command:
sunbeam disable loadbalancer
Users should have roles member
and load-balancer_member
to create and manage load balancers within their project.
Go through all the following sub-sections.
Create a load balancer
Create a load balancer using the following command:
openstack loadbalancer create --name <name> --vip-network-id <network>
For example, create the load balancer ‘testlb’:
openstack loadbalancer create --name testlb --vip-network-id demo-network --wait
Sample output:
| Field | Value |
| admin_state_up | True |
| availability_zone | None |
| created_at | 2023-10-11T09:20:17 |
| description | |
| flavor_id | None |
| id | 8bb11dba-113e-46df-b7bd-3e099669dcf4 |
| listeners | |
| name | testlb |
| operating_status | ONLINE |
| pools | |
| project_id | cee090abc4d14819b9508e763e564984 |
| provider | ovn |
| provisioning_status | ACTIVE |
| updated_at | 2023-10-11T09:20:20 |
| vip_address | |
| vip_network_id | 9cbb0646-9936-4ceb-9324-8f87ef118491 |
| vip_port_id | 749a598e-807c-475d-ab8d-26747bac2296 |
| vip_qos_policy_id | None |
| vip_subnet_id | 642d7a6d-625e-455a-a171-31082cd39c31 |
| tags | |
| additional_vips | [] |
Create a load balancer listener
Create a load balancer listener using the following command:
openstack loadbalancer listener create --name <name> --protocol <protocol> --protocol-port <port> <LB name>
For example, add a listener on port 5555 for the ‘testlb’ load balancer:
openstack loadbalancer listener create --name testlb-listener --protocol TCP --protocol-port 5555 testlb --wait
Sample output:
| Field | Value |
| admin_state_up | True |
| connection_limit | -1 |
| created_at | 2023-10-11T09:21:11 |
| default_pool_id | None |
| default_tls_container_ref | None |
| description | |
| id | 2412a8fa-ce0a-430b-80bb-5f8c8ec6168f |
| insert_headers | None |
| l7policies | |
| loadbalancers | 8bb11dba-113e-46df-b7bd-3e099669dcf4 |
| name | testlb-listener |
| operating_status | ONLINE |
| project_id | cee090abc4d14819b9508e763e564984 |
| protocol | TCP |
| protocol_port | 5555 |
| provisioning_status | ACTIVE |
| sni_container_refs | [] |
| timeout_client_data | 50000 |
| timeout_member_connect | 5000 |
| timeout_member_data | 50000 |
| timeout_tcp_inspect | 0 |
| updated_at | 2023-10-11T09:21:12 |
| client_ca_tls_container_ref | None |
| client_authentication | NONE |
| client_crl_container_ref | None |
| allowed_cidrs | None |
| tls_ciphers | None |
| tls_versions | None |
| alpn_protocols | None |
| tags | |
Create a load balancer pool
Create a load balancer pool using the following command:
openstack loadbalancer pool create --name <name> --protocol <protocol> --lb-algorithm <algorithm> --listener <LB listener name>
For example, create the load balancer pool ‘testlb-pool’ for the ‘testlb-listener’ listener:
openstack loadbalancer pool create --name testlb-pool --protocol TCP --lb-algorithm SOURCE_IP_PORT --listener testlb-listener --wait
Sample output:
| Field | Value |
| admin_state_up | True |
| created_at | 2023-10-11T09:21:48 |
| description | |
| healthmonitor_id | |
| id | b7d9ac9f-5bfe-4786-a805-1a59fba98ee4 |
| lb_algorithm | SOURCE_IP_PORT |
| listeners | 2412a8fa-ce0a-430b-80bb-5f8c8ec6168f |
| loadbalancers | 8bb11dba-113e-46df-b7bd-3e099669dcf4 |
| members | |
| name | testlb-pool |
| operating_status | ONLINE |
| project_id | cee090abc4d14819b9508e763e564984 |
| protocol | TCP |
| provisioning_status | ACTIVE |
| session_persistence | None |
| updated_at | 2023-10-11T09:21:48 |
| tls_container_ref | None |
| ca_tls_container_ref | None |
| crl_container_ref | None |
| tls_enabled | False |
| tls_ciphers | None |
| tls_versions | None |
| tags | |
| alpn_protocols | None |
Add members to the load balancer pool
Add members to the load balancer pool using the following command:
openstack loadbalancer member create --name <name> --address <application ip address> --protocol-port <application port> <LB pool name>
Run the above command multiple times to add new members to the load balancer pool.
For example, to add member ‘testlb-pool-member1’ to the ‘testlb-pool’ pool, whose service is running on IP and port 80:
openstack loadbalancer member create --name testlb-pool-member1 --address --protocol-port 80 testlb-pool --wait
Sample output:
| Field | Value |
| address | |
| admin_state_up | True |
| created_at | 2023-10-11T09:23:23 |
| id | e386e580-8278-4253-8bbb-91f412d935e1 |
| name | testlb-pool-member1 |
| operating_status | NO_MONITOR |
| project_id | cee090abc4d14819b9508e763e564984 |
| protocol_port | 80 |
| provisioning_status | ACTIVE |
| subnet_id | None |
| updated_at | 2023-10-11T09:23:24 |
| weight | 1 |
| monitor_port | None |
| monitor_address | None |
| backup | False |
| tags | |
Add a health monitor to the load balancer pool
Add a health monitor to the load balancer pool using the following command:
openstack loadbalancer healthmonitor create --name <name> --delay <delay> --timeout <timeout> --max-retries <max retries> --type <protocol> <LB pool name>
For example, to add health monitor ‘testlb-monitor’ to the ‘testlb-pool’ pool:
openstack loadbalancer healthmonitor create --name testlb-monitor --delay 7 --timeout 5 --max-retries 3 --type TCP testlb-pool --wait
Sample output:
| Field | Value |
| project_id | cee090abc4d14819b9508e763e564984 |
| name | testlb-monitor |
| admin_state_up | True |
| pools | b7d9ac9f-5bfe-4786-a805-1a59fba98ee4 |
| created_at | 2023-10-11T09:33:33 |
| provisioning_status | ACTIVE |
| updated_at | 2023-10-11T09:33:34 |
| delay | 7 |
| expected_codes | None |
| max_retries | 3 |
| http_method | None |
| timeout | 5 |
| max_retries_down | 3 |
| url_path | None |
| type | TCP |
| id | 7f2cbe52-b024-4ede-a24b-7fa3cc6aa606 |
| operating_status | ONLINE |
| http_version | None |
| domain_name | None |
| tags | |
Verify load balancer pool member operating status using the following command:
openstack loadbalancer member list <LB pool name>
For example:
openstack loadbalancer member list testlb-pool
Sample output:
| id | name | project_id | provisioning_status | address | protocol_port | operating_status | weight |
| e386e580-8278-4253-8bbb-91f412d935e1 | testlb-pool-member1 | cee090abc4d14819b9508e763e564984 | ACTIVE | | 80 | ONLINE | 1 |
Verify the load balancer details
Verify the details of the load balancer using the following command:
openstack loadbalancer status show <LB name>
For example:
openstack loadbalancer status show testlb
Sample output:
"loadbalancer": {
"id": "8bb11dba-113e-46df-b7bd-3e099669dcf4",
"name": "testlb",
"operating_status": "ONLINE",
"provisioning_status": "ACTIVE",
"listeners": [
"id": "2412a8fa-ce0a-430b-80bb-5f8c8ec6168f",
"name": "testlb-listener",
"operating_status": "ONLINE",
"provisioning_status": "ACTIVE",
"pools": [
"id": "b7d9ac9f-5bfe-4786-a805-1a59fba98ee4",
"name": "testlb-pool",
"provisioning_status": "ACTIVE",
"operating_status": "ONLINE",
"health_monitor": {
"id": "7f2cbe52-b024-4ede-a24b-7fa3cc6aa606",
"name": "testlb-monitor",
"type": "TCP",
"provisioning_status": "ACTIVE",
"operating_status": "ONLINE"
"members": [
"id": "e386e580-8278-4253-8bbb-91f412d935e1",
"name": "testlb-pool-member1",
"operating_status": "ONLINE",
"provisioning_status": "ACTIVE",
"address": "",
"protocol_port": 80
"id": "856fb894-714a-4d1d-beda-8cd2bc77485a",
"name": "testlb-pool-member2",
"operating_status": "ONLINE",
"provisioning_status": "ACTIVE",
"address": "",
"protocol_port": 80
Attach a floating IP address to the load balancer VIP port
To create a floating IP address and attach it to the load balancer VIP port, use the below snippet:
vip_port=$(openstack loadbalancer show testlb -c vip_port_id -f value)
fip_id=$(openstack floating ip create external-network -c ID -f value)
openstack floating ip set --port $vip_port $fip_id
lb_fip=$(openstack floating ip list --port $vip_port -c 'Floating IP Address' -f value)
echo $lb_fip
The above snippet outputs the load balancer VIP address:
Verify load balancer functionality
To verify load balancer functionality, apply the nc
utility to the load balancer VIP and listener port:
nc -vz 5555
The output will report success if the load balancer connection to the backend service is made:
Connection to 5555 port [tcp/*] succeeded!