Interactive configuration prompts
The sunbeam cluster bootstrap
, sunbeam configure
, and sunbeam cluster join
commands may involve interactive prompts. This allows the user to specify hardware and networking options particular to their environment. This reference page provides a detailed description of each prompt (question).
Note: Some of these questions’ values can be provided by means of a manifest file passed to the sunbeam cluster bootstrap
and sunbeam configure
commands. See the Deployment manifest page.
Below are all of the questions that can potentially be asked. What questions get asked are sometimes dependent upon the response given in a preceding question.
Questions | Meaning |
Use proxy to access external network resources? | Whether to enable usage of a network proxy that may constrain network traffic. If ‘Yes’, the default values for the ensuing questions will be populated from the settings that should reside in the local /etc/environment file. |
Enter value for http_proxy | Question will appear if proxy usage is enabled. Example value: http://squid.proxy:3128 |
Enter value for https_proxy | Question will appear if proxy usage is enabled. Example value: http://squid.proxy:3128 |
Enter value for no_proxy | Question will appear if proxy usage is enabled. Example value: localhost,,localhost,, |
Management networks shared by the hosts (CIDRs, separated by comma) | The network addresses of the subnets used for management traffic. This is typically the same as the network used by the machines supporting the deployment. Multiple CIDRs can be specified, separated by commas. |
MetalLB address allocation range (supports multiple ranges, comma separated) | The range of IP addresses to be allocated by MetalLB for access to the control plane (OpenStack APIs). This range should contain at least ten addresses and must not overlap with the external network CIDR. This configuration supports IP ranges and network CIDRs. To access the APIs from a remote host, the range must reside within the subnet that the primary network interface is on. |
Local or remote access to VMs | If ‘local’ is selected then VMs will only be accessible from the local host, whereas if ‘remote’ is selected then VMs will only be accessible from remote hosts. For the remote case, you will subsequently be asked to specify what network interface to dedicate to VM access traffic. The intended remote hosts must have connectivity to this interface. |
CIDR of OpenStack external network - arbitrary but must not be in use | Question will appear for local access only. CIDR of network for assigning addresses to VMs intended to be accessed from the local host. It is arbitrary but should not conflict with another network known to the host. |
CIDR of network to use for external networking | Question will appear for remote access only. CIDR of network for assigning addresses to VMs intended to be accessed from remote hosts. It represents a portion of the physical network (outside of the OpenStack installation) whose IP addresses are dedicated for this purpose. Caution: If you opted to access OpenStack APIs externally in the bootstrap step and you opted to access OpenStack VMs externally in the current configure step, ensure that these ranges do not overlap. |
IP address of default gateway for external network | Question will appear for remote access only. IP address of existing default gateway for external network. |
Populate OpenStack cloud with demo user, default images, flavors, etc. | Whether the cloud is to be pre-populated with common OpenStack artifacts. In most cases this is desirable. |
Username to use for access to OpenStack | The username of the demo user. |
Password to use for access to OpenStack | The password for the demo user. The default password is randomly generated. |
Network range to use for project network | CIDR of the private network for the demo user’s project. This is typically an unroutable (RFC 1918) network like |
Enable ping and SSH access to instances | Whether security group rules are to be added that allow ICMP and SSH traffic to reach VMs. In most cases this is desirable. |
Start of IP allocation range for external network | A portion of the IP addresses in the external network specified earlier will be reserved for allocation to VMs. This is the IP address at the start of that range. |
End of IP allocation range for external network | A portion of the IP addresses in the external network specified earlier will be reserved for allocation to VMs. This is the IP address at the end of that range. |
List of nameservers guests should use for DNS resolution | A list of DNS server IP addresses (comma separated) that should be used for external DNS resolution from cloud instances. |
Network type for access to external network | Network type for access to external network - ‘flat’ (untagged) or ‘vlan’ (tagged). |
VLAN ID to use for external network | Question will appear for VLAN network type only. VLAN ID to use for the external network. |
Free network interface that will be configured for external traffic | Question will appear for remote access only. The network interface used for external access to VMs. The interface should be connected to an appropriate physical network. Detected unconfigured (free) interfaces will be listed as acceptable values. However, an interface not appearing in the list can still be entered. Remote hosts intending to access VMs must be able to contact this interface. |